COVID-19 Contingency Planning

We are planning for in-person research opportunities this summer. However, these opportunities will be subject to any state, federal, and university regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will keep applicants posted as those emerge. All REU students participating in the program will be expected to abide by university public health regulations.

Planning for the Summer 2021 Program

If the summer 2021 REU site does proceed as planned, we will work to make accommodations for any accepted student who is unable to attend for some or all of the summer due to pandemic-related hardships (illness, travel restrictions, etc.). Testing, vaccination, and contact tracing requirements for all faculty, graduate, and undergraduates will follow Virginia Tech Research Continuity Guidance, consisting of local, state, and federal public health directives. Our contingency plans are designed to limit the impact of the pandemic on impeding student engagement in science and professional development and minimize disappointment and economic impacts if the program is delayed.

What conditions would trigger postponing the Summer 2021 Program?

The Summer 2021 REU program will be postponed to a future year if one or more of the following COVID-related conditions persist:

  1. Access to campus is restricted with uncertainty as to when restrictions would lift;
  2. On-campus housing and dining facilities are not accessible;
  3. Necessary teaching, research, and administrative infrastructure is not available. 

When will the Go/No-Go decision be made?

Annual planning for the REU site, as well as the recruitment and selection process will proceed as planned. The PIs, in close conversation with university administration and the NSF program manager, will make the final Go/No-Go decision no later than May 1.

What happens if the Summer 2021 program is delayed?

If the program must be delayed due to COVID19, students selected for the program will be able to list it on their resumes but will not receive funding and will not conduct on-campus research.



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